Title: Diethylaniline
CAS Registry Number: 91-66-7
CAS Name: N,N-Diethylbenzenamine
Molecular Formula: C10H15N
Molecular Weight: 149.23
Percent Composition: C 80.48%, H 10.13%, N 9.39%
Literature References: Prepd by ethylation of aniline: Whitman, US 2501556 (1950 to du Pont); Voltz, J. Org. Chem. 22, 48 (1957); Closson et al., ibid. 22, 646 (1957); Horyna, Cerny, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 21, 906 (1956); from bromobenzene, sodium amide + diethylamine: Bunnett, Brotherton, J. Org. Chem. 22, 832 (1957).
Properties: Colorless to yellow liq. d425 0.9302. bp 215-216°; bp3 62-66°. mp -38°. nD24 1.5394. Volatile with steam. uv max (isooctane): 303, 259 nm (e ´ 10-3 2.37, 16.7). Slightly sol in alcohol, chloroform, ether. One gram dissolves in 70 ml water at 12°.
Melting point: mp -38°
Boiling point: bp 215-216°; bp3 62-66°
Index of refraction: nD24 1.5394
Absorption maximum: uv max (isooctane): 303, 259 nm (e ´ 10-3 2.37, 16.7)
Density: d425 0.9302
Use: As dyestuff intermediate, in organic syntheses.

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