Title: Sulfameter
CAS Registry Number: 651-06-9
CAS Name: 4-Amino-N-(5-methoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)benzenesulfonamide
Additional Names: N1-(5-methoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)sulfanilamide; sulfa-5-methoxypyrimidine; 2-sulfanilamido-5-methoxypyrimidine; 2-(p-aminobenzenesulfonamido)-5-methoxypyrimidine; 5-methoxysulfadiazine; sulfamethoxydiazine; sulfametin (rescinded USAN); sulfametorine; methoxypyrimal
Manufacturers' Codes: AHR-857; I-2586
Trademarks: Bayrena (Bayer); Durenat (Schering AG); Kinecid (Schering AG); Kiron (Schering AG); Kirocid (Schering AG); Sulla (Robins); Ultrax (Chemie Linz)
Molecular Formula: C11H12N4O3S
Molecular Weight: 280.30
Percent Composition: C 47.13%, H 4.32%, N 19.99%, O 17.12%, S 11.44%
Literature References: Prepn: DE 1101428; P. Diedrich, US 3214335 (1961, 1965 both to Schering AG); Horstmann et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. 11, 682 (1961); Budesinky et al., Experientia 17, 129 (1961); CS 98818; BE 633513 (1963 to SPOFA); Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 29, 2980 (1964). Toxicity study: G. Hecht et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. 11, 695 (1961). Toxicology, chemotherapeutics and pharmacokinetics: Böhne et al., Chemotherapy 14, 195-226 (1969).
Properties: Minute, bitter crystals, mp 214-216°. uv max: 230, 271 nm (E1%1cm 562, 726). Very sparingly sol in water, alcohol, ether. Sol in dil acids, alkalies.
Melting point: mp 214-216°
Absorption maximum: uv max: 230, 271 nm (E1%1cm 562, 726)
Derivative Type: Sodium salt
Properties: Water soluble. pK about 6.8. pH of 1% aq soln: about 8.9. LD50 in mice, rats (g/kg): 1.1 ±0.2, 1.2 i.v.; 1.5, 1.1 i.p.; 3.0, 1.0 orally (Hecht).
pKa: pK about 6.8
Toxicity data: LD50 in mice, rats (g/kg): 1.1 ±0.2, 1.2 i.v.; 1.5, 1.1 i.p.; 3.0, 1.0 orally (Hecht)
Therap-Cat: Antibacterial.
Keywords: Antibacterial (Synthetic); Sulfonamides.

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