Title: Scopolin
CAS Registry Number: 531-44-2
CAS Name: 7-(b-D-Glucopyranosyloxy)-6-methoxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one
Molecular Formula: C16H18O9
Molecular Weight: 354.31
Percent Composition: C 54.24%, H 5.12%, O 40.64%
Literature References: Mono-b-glucopyranoside of scopoletin. From root of Scopolia japonica Maxim., S. carniolica Jacq., Solanaceae and Nerium odorum Sol., Apocynaceae. Isoln: Eykman, Ber. 17 III, 442 (1884); Ritter et al., Helv. Chim. Acta 36, 434 (1953). Synthesis: Merz, Arch. Pharm. 270, 476 (1932). Possible identity with murrayin: Bose, Mookerjee, J. Indian Chem. Soc. 14, 489 (1937). Chromatography, and spectrum of murrayin: Chakraborty, Bose, ibid. 33, 905 (1956); Chakraborty, Chakraborty, Trans. Bose Res. Inst. (Calcutta) 24 (1), 15 (1961), C.A. 55, 24228c (1961).
Properties: Needles. mp 218°. Soluble in water, alcohol. Practically insol in chloroform, ether.
Melting point: mp 218°
Derivative Type: Tetraacetate
Molecular Formula: C24H26O13
Molecular Weight: 522.46
Percent Composition: C 55.17%, H 5.02%, O 39.81%
Properties: Polymorphous crystals, prisms, mp 166° or flat plates, mp 184-185°.
Melting point: mp 166°; mp 184-185°

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