Title: Foramsulfuron
CAS Registry Number: 173159-57-4
CAS Name: 2-[[[[(4,6-Dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]-4-(formylamino)-N,N-dimethylbenzamide
Manufacturers' Codes: AE-F130360
Trademarks: Option (Bayer CropSci.)
Molecular Formula: C17H20N6O7S
Molecular Weight: 452.44
Percent Composition: C 45.13%, H 4.46%, N 18.57%, O 24.75%, S 7.09%
Literature References: Sulfonylurea herbicide for use in corn; acetolactate synthase inhibitor. Prepn: G. Schnabel et al., DE 4415049; eidem, US 5922646 (1995, 1999 both to Hoechst Schering AgrEvo). Review of properties and activity: B. Collins et al., BCPC Conf. - Weeds 2001, 35-42.
Properties: Light beige solid, mp 199.5°. Vapor pressure (20°): 4.2 ´ 10-11 Pa. Log P (octanol/water): 4.01 (pH 5); 0.166 (pH 7); 0.0106 (pH 8). Soly in water at 20° (g/l): 0.04 (pH 5); 3.3 (pH 7); 94.6 (pH 8). LD50 in rats (mg/kg): >5000 orally; >2000 dermally (Collins).
Melting point: mp 199.5°
Log P: Log P (octanol/water): 4.01 (pH 5); 0.166 (pH 7); 0.0106 (pH 8)
Toxicity data: LD50 in rats (mg/kg): >5000 orally; >2000 dermally (Collins)
Use: Herbicide.

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