Title: 2,6-Lutidine
CAS Registry Number: 108-48-5
CAS Name: 2,6-Dimethylpyridine
Additional Names: a,-lutidin
Molecular Formula: C7H9N
Molecular Weight: 107.15
Percent Composition: C 78.46%, H 8.47%, N 13.07%
Literature References: Isolated from the basic fraction of coal tar: Heap et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 43, 1936 (1921); from a bone oil fraction: Ladenburg, Roth, Ber. 18, 51 (1885). Synthesis from ethyl acetoacetate, formaldehyde, and ammonia: Singer, McElvain, Org. Synth. coll. vol. II, 214 (1943).
Properties: Oily liquid. Odor of pyridine + peppermint. d420 0.9252. mp -5.8°. bp760 144°; bp87 79°. nD20 1.49797. Solubility in water at 45.3° = 27.2% (w/w); at 48.1° = 18.1%; at 57.5° = 12.1%; at 74.5° = 9.5%. Also sol in alcohol, ether. Miscible with dimethylformamide and tetrahydrofuran.
Melting point: mp -5.8°
Boiling point: bp760 144°; bp87 79°
Index of refraction: nD20 1.49797
Density: d420 0.9252

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