Title: 1-Dodecanol
CAS Registry Number: 112-53-8
Additional Names: Dodecyl alcohol; lauryl alcohol
Molecular Formula: C12H26O
Molecular Weight: 186.33
Percent Composition: C 77.35%, H 14.06%, O 8.59%
Line Formula: CH3(CH2)11OH
Literature References: Prepd by the reduction of esters of lauric acid with sodium and abs alcohol: Levene, Allen, J. Biol. Chem. 27, 443 (1916); Ford, Marvel, Org. Synth. 10, 62 (1930), or by high pressure hydrogenation of the esters using copper chromite catalyst: Adkins, Folkers, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 53, 1095 (1931).
Properties: Leaflets from dil alc, mp 24°. d424 0.8309 (liq); d440 0.8201; d499 0.7781. bp760 259°; bp400 235.7°; bp200 213°; bp100 192°; bp60 177.8°; bp40 167.2°; bp20 150°; bp10 134.7°; bp5 120.2°; bp1.0 91.0°. Insol in water; sol in alcohol and ether.
Melting point: mp 24°
Boiling point: bp760 259°; bp400 235.7°; bp200 213°; bp100 192°; bp60 177.8°; bp40 167.2°; bp20 150°; bp10 134.7°; bp5 120.2°; bp1.0 91.0°
Density: d424 0.8309 (liq); d440 0.8201; d499 0.7781
Derivative Type: Phenylurethan
Molecular Formula: C19H31NO2
Molecular Weight: 305.45
Percent Composition: C 74.71%, H 10.23%, N 4.59%, O 10.48%
Properties: Needles from dilute methanol, mp 84°.
Melting point: mp 84°
Use: Manuf of sulfuric acid esters which are used as wetting agents.

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