Title: 1-Cyanoimidazole
CAS Registry Number: 36289-36-8
CAS Name: 1H-Imidazole-1-carbonitrile
Additional Names: N-cyanoimidazole
Molecular Formula: C4H3N3
Molecular Weight: 93.09
Percent Composition: C 51.61%, H 3.25%, N 45.14%
Literature References: Coupling and cyanating agent. Prepn: H. Giesemann, J. Prakt. Chem. 4(1), 345 (1955); by thermolysis of tetrazolopyrazine: C. Wentrup, Helv. Chim. Acta 55, 565 (1972); P. B. W. McCallum et al., Aust. J. Chem. 52, 159 (1999). Use as a condensing agent: J. P. Ferris et al., Nucleosides Nucleotides 8, 407 (1989); K. J. Luebke, P. B. Dervan, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113, 7447 (1991); as a cyanating agent: Y. Wu et al., Org. Lett. 2, 795 (2000).
Properties: White hygroscopic needles, mp 59.5-60.5°. bp760 185-189°; bp27 95°.
Melting point: mp 59.5-60.5°
Boiling point: bp760 185-189°; bp27 95°
Use: In chemical synthesis as a cyanating agent; as condensing agent in DNA ligation.

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