Title: 1-Chloronaphthalene
CAS Registry Number: 90-13-1
Additional Names: a-Chloronaphthalene
Molecular Formula: C10H7Cl
Molecular Weight: 162.62
Percent Composition: C 73.86%, H 4.34%, Cl 21.80%
Literature References: Prepd by passing chlorine into boiling naphthalene with or without solvent such as chlorobenzene and with or without catalyst such as I2: DeWitt, Ekeley, Univ. Colo. Stud. 18, 119 (1931), C.A. 26, 2974 (1932). From a-naphthylamine by diazotization and Sandmeyer CuCl reaction: von Auwers, Frühling, Ann. 422, 194, 200, 202 (1921); Hampson, Weissberger, J. Chem. Soc. 1936, 394.
Properties: Oily liquid. Volatile with steam. d420 1.19382. mp -2.5°. bp760 259.3°; bp400 230.8°; bp200 204.2°; bp100 180.4°; bp60 165.6°; bp40 153.2°; bp20 134.4°; bp10 118.6°; bp5 104.8°; bp1.0 80.6°. nD20 1.63321. Sol in benzene, petr ether, alcohol.
Melting point: mp -2.5°
Boiling point: bp760 259.3°; bp400 230.8°; bp200 204.2°; bp100 180.4°; bp60 165.6°; bp40 153.2°; bp20 134.4°; bp10 118.6°; bp5 104.8°; bp1.0 80.6°
Index of refraction: nD20 1.63321
Density: d420 1.19382
Derivative Type: Compound with 2,4,6-trinitro-m-cresol
Molecular Formula: C17H12ClN3O7
Molecular Weight: 405.75
Percent Composition: C 50.32%, H 2.98%, Cl 8.74%, N 10.36%, O 27.60%
Properties: mp 78°.
Melting point: mp 78°
Derivative Type: Styphnate
Molecular Formula: C16H10ClN3O8
Molecular Weight: 407.72
Percent Composition: C 47.13%, H 2.47%, Cl 8.70%, N 10.31%, O 31.39%
Properties: Yellow needles from alcohol, mp 112°.
Melting point: mp 112°
Use: As immersion liquid in the (microscopic) determn of the refractive index of crystals. Solvent for oils, fat, DDT.

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