Title: Paraldehyde
CAS Registry Number: 123-63-7
CAS Name: 2,4,6-Trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane
Additional Names: paracetaldehyde
Trademarks: Paral (Forest)
Molecular Formula: C6H12O3
Molecular Weight: 132.16
Percent Composition: C 54.53%, H 9.15%, O 36.32%
Literature References: A polymer of acetaldehyde. Prepd by the polymerization of acetaldehyde catalyzed by HCl and H2SO4 at medium to high temp: Kekulé, Zincke, Ann. 162, 125 (1872); Baer, Mahan, US 2864827 (1958 to Phillips). Toxicity data: Figot et al., Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. 8, 290 (1952).
Properties: Liquid, characteristic aromatic odor and warm, but disagreeable taste. d2525 ~0.994. bp ~124°. mp 12°. nD20 1.4049. Sol in 8 parts water at 25°, in 17 parts boiling water; miscible with alc, chloroform, ether, oils. Gives acetaldehyde on heating with dil HCl or on warming with several drops concd H2SO4. LD50 orally in rats: 1.65 g/kg (Figot).
Melting point: mp 12°
Boiling point: bp ~124°
Index of refraction: nD20 1.4049
Density: d2525 ~0.994
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: 1.65 g/kg (Figot)
NOTE: This is a controlled substance (depressant): 21 CFR, 1308.14.
Use: Manuf organic compounds.
Therap-Cat: Sedative; hypnotic.
Keywords: Sedative/Hypnotic.

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