Title: Rioprostil
CAS Registry Number: 77287-05-9
CAS Name: (11a,13E)-1,11,16-Trihydroxy-16-methylprost-13-en-9-one
Additional Names: (2R,3R,4R)-4-hydroxy-2-(7-hydroxyheptyl)-3-[(E)-(4RS)-(4-hydroxy-4-methyl-1-octenyl)]cyclopentanone; 16-methyl-1,11a,16RS-trihydroxyprost-13E-en-9-one
Manufacturers' Codes: Bay o 6893; ORF-15927; TR-4698
Trademarks: Rostil (Ortho)
Molecular Formula: C21H38O4
Molecular Weight: 354.52
Percent Composition: C 71.15%, H 10.80%, O 18.05%
Literature References: Prostaglandin E1 analog with cytoprotective and gastric antisecretory activity. Prepn: H. C. Kluender et al., US 4132738 (1979 to Miles). Pharmacology: D. A. Shriver et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. 35, 839 (1985). Effect on human gastric secretion: P. Demol et al., ibid. 861; B. Vaona et al., Adv. Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukotriene Res. 17, 328 (1987). Clinical evaluation in duodenal ulcer: H. G. Dammann et al., ibid. 303.
Properties: [a]D -58.6° (c = 1 in chloroform).
Optical Rotation: [a]D -58.6° (c = 1 in chloroform)
Therap-Cat: Antiulcerative.
Keywords: Antiulcerative; Prostaglandin/Prostaglandin Analog.

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