Title: Liraglutide
CAS Registry Number: 204656-20-2
Additional Names: N26-(Hexadecanoyl-g-glutamyl)-(34-arginine)GLP-1-(7-37)-peptide; Lys26(Ne-(g-glutamyl-(Na-hexadecanoyl))), Arg34-GLP-1(7-37)
Manufacturers' Codes: NN-2211
Molecular Formula: C172H265N43O51
Molecular Weight: 3751.20
Percent Composition: C 55.07%, H 7.12%, N 16.06%, O 21.75%
Literature References: Acylated derivative of glucagon-like peptide 1, q.v. Prepn: L. B. Knudsen et al., WO 9808871; idem et al., US 6268343 (1998, 2001 both to Novo Nordisk); eidem, J. Med. Chem. 43, 1664 (2000). Clinical effect on glucose and insulin homeostasis: H. Agerso, P. Vicini, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 19, 141 (2003). Clinical pharmacokinetics: B. Elbrond et al., Diabetes Care 25, 1398 (2002). Clinical trial in type 2 diabetes: S. Madsbad et al., ibid. 27, 1335 (2004); M. N. Feinglos et al., Diabetic Med. 22, 1016 (2005).
Therap-Cat: Antidiabetic.
Keywords: Antidiabetic; Hormones/Analogs.

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