Glyoxylic Acid
Title: Glyoxylic Acid
CAS Registry Number: 298-12-4
CAS Name: Oxoacetic acid
Additional Names: formylformic acid; glyoxalic acid; oxoethanoic acid
Molecular Formula: C2H2O3
Molecular Weight: 74.04
Percent Composition: C 32.44%, H 2.72%, O 64.83%
Line Formula: OHCCOOH
Literature References: Occurs in unripe fruit and in young green leaves; has also been found in very young sugar beets. Prepd by heating dibromoacetic acid with some water: Grimaux, Bull. Soc. Chim. [2] 26, 483; Cramer, Ber. 25, 714 (1892); by electrolytic reduction of oxalic acid: Meyer, Ber. 37, 3592 (1904); by the action of Aspergillus niger on calcium acetate, malonic or citric acid: Challenger et al., J. Chem. Soc. 1927, 205, 207. Prepn of glyoxylic acid soln for analytical use: Beilstein vol. III, 594.
Derivative Type: Hemihydrate
Properties: Crystals from water, mp 70-75°. Also obtained in anhydr form as monoclinic crystals from water, mp 98°. Obnoxious odor. Strong, corrosive acid. K = 4.6 ´ 10-4. Deliquesces rapidly and forms a syrup on short exposure to air. Sparingly sol in alc, ether, benzene. Freely sol in water; aq solns tend to acquire a yellowish tint. Attacks most base metals except certain stainless steel alloys.
Melting point: mp 70-75°; mp 98°
Derivative Type: Monohydrate
Properties: Crystals, mp ~50°. Highly hygroscopic.
Melting point: mp ~50°
CAUTION: Irritant, corrosive.

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