Title: Dodecamethylpentasiloxane
CAS Registry Number: 141-63-9
Molecular Formula: C12H36O4Si5
Molecular Weight: 384.84
Percent Composition: C 37.45%, H 9.43%, O 16.63%, Si 36.49%
Literature References: Prepn: Patnode, Wilcock, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 68, 358 (1946).
Properties: Liquid. bp710 229°. d 0.8755. nD20 1.3925. mp ~-80°. Stable. Inert to most chemical reagents and rubber. Maintains about the same viscosity over a wide temperature range. Sol in benzene and the lighter hydrocarbons; slightly sol in alcohol and the heavy hydrocarbons.
Melting point: mp ~-80°
Boiling point: bp710 229°
Index of refraction: nD20 1.3925
Density: d 0.8755
Use: As a basis for silicone oils or fluids designed to withstand extremes of temperature; as a foam suppressant in petr lubricating oil.

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